Healthcare IT Consulting
Empower caregivers to transform healthcare’s future for a more patient-centric approach - through independent healthcare IT consulting, we tailor advice, development, and the application of strategic data transformation to your organization’s needs
It takes root-cause analysis, domain-level expertise and a connection to the community to implement necessary change for a successful outcome. We objectively help you understand how community healthcare IT standards fit into your business goals.

At BookZurman, our independent healthcare IT consulting spans from theory to interoperability and application. Not only can we write the language, but we make the transition from healthcare IT data to action.
Through standards-compliant solutions, integrated information technology and digital architecture consulting services, we achieve intelligent health-information exchange to enhance patient care.

Featured Case Studies
Ready to learn more about our work?
Here are just a few of the many case studies we have outlined to share with people like you! To read more detail about each case study, click the down arrow to the right of each featured menu item...
Enabling Repeatable Processes
Standards and Interoperability
On behalf of a government agency, Team BZ brought much needed clarity to the organization by defining requirements, resources, and a consistent interoperability approach that’s proactively aligned with industry interoperability trends and best practices. We leveraged existing operational, definitional, and architectural assets, as well as existing systems capabilities, and supported the transition from a legacy to new EHR system.
“This integral project updated and streamlined the technical and semantic interoperability of information flow across and between the government agency, its partners, and community care service providers.” -- Team BZ
Broadening Reach for Patient-Centered Care Management
Care Coordination
Leading this community project on behalf of a major government agency, Team BZ included the integrated use of HL7® FHIR® and Object Management Group® Business Process Management for Healthcare (BPM+®) standards in a published Logica implementation guide. Creating a computable representation of clinical guideline recommendations and care pathways enabled this guide to be used by clinicians for evidence-based care recommendations integrated into clinical workflow.
“This project will help scientific evidence reach patient care more efficiently, accurately, and consistently. The Logica Care Management Implementation Guide content will be continuously refactored and expanded based on community member contributions.” -- Team BZ
Interoperability Toolkit
Standards and Interoperability
Successfully used by numerous government agencies and commercial organizations, the interoperability toolkit was led by Team BZ standards and tooling experts. The toolkit includes standards-compliant, open-source industry projects comprised of Model-Driven Message Interoperability (MDMI), Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT), Model-to-Model Transformation languages (QVT), and Model-Based Transformation Services (MBTS).
“This work will provide APIs and semantic interoperability for legacy and current data, legacy and current industry standards, and the ability to interoperate with future standards and implementations.” -- Team BZ
Do You Need Independent Healthcare IT Consulting?
Our Healthcare IT Consulting Services will help your organization to get (and stay) ahead of the technology curve...
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Saluting our Veterans, Today and Every Day
BookZurman is grateful on this day and every day to those who serve or have...
Ioana Singureanu: Making an IMPACT for BZ clients
Congratulations to BZ's Chief Innovation Officer, Ioana Singureanu, on her...
All aboard! Next stop: Health IT of the Future
With so much evolving in healthcare and technology, it can be hard to keep up...